October 2024 Update

October 2024 Update


I have some praise reports and a prayer request for you today. Every week, we see miracles happen. So, these praise reports are from the current week that we’re in right now.  

A young man named Matt came in this morning. He was excited to stop by our location before his intake into a tiny home. He was celebrating this milestone but had nothing to furnish it. He asked if we had any supplies to help him get settled in. Luckily, we did! He left our facility with a cart full of materials for his new home. 

He’d been on the streets for 5 years, and today is a day of new beginnings. We prayed with Matt. It was a special moment of a prayer of blessing for his new home. After the prayer, he said, “There’s something about this place. I just feel peace here.” 

He gave me a fist bump. I love that as a response to prayer. Like, hey. Let’s bump it out. And he’s moving into what God has in store for him. We love that. 

That’s what we’re here for. That’s what Capital Compassion is all about.  

Steven was here this week. He’s been through a journey, great challenges, trying to find his way, and now there’s opportunities that are presenting for him. Today, he has a job interview at a pizza location downtown. He is meeting his housing navigator at the library today so he can get into transitional housing. 

We helped him get onto the list for housing, get his ID, all these steps that have to happen in order for people to get from the streets to a place of permanence. Steven is right in the middle of it, hungry, eager, and we’re excitedly walking with him sure that he’s going to get to that place of completion of the journey from homelessness to being housed and having a meaningful life. People are coming in every day. We have about 30 people each day that are walking through our door, sometimes more, that are looking for the kind of help that we’re here to provide.  

These stories are just what happened this week, let alone multitude of other stories that have already happened in weeks before. 

Here’s our prayer request. We need to expand. The lease on our facility is coming to an end, which has prompted us to say, let’s find a place that’s got more space. We’ll have a respite center where we can have people stay with us for some time during the day, where we can help them with their resume building. We’ll have peer specialists here and all the services that can come alongside, helping individuals go from this place from where they’re at to a place of victory. 

We need a larger space. We’re in negotiations in a couple of different locations. We’re asking for prayer to say, God, show us the right one and the provisions. We need provisions. It’s going to allow us to do more, but it will also allow us to ask for more. 

What can you do to help? I have felt prompted to help more myself. I’m giving into that just today, giving into what God wants us to do in a financial way. The time is now. The opportunity is great, and your part in it has been a blessing. Give online. 

We’re attaching some of the reports of the last several months from what has happened through Capital Compassion, what you have had a part in. The time is now to press in and to invite others to join us on the journey. Thank you for all you’ve done to help us get to this point. We are using God’s blessings, using his favor, using the grace that he’s placed upon us of compassion. We’re not in a moment of division. We’re in a moment of addition of what God wants us to do to see people come to faith. 

We are not a divided people. We are united people, and that comes because we’re helping the people that are in front of us. We’re not complaining about all the mess that’s around us. We’re saying, God, what do you want me to do to change it? What do you want me to do to make a difference? 

You are that person too. Not complaining about the mess of our world, the mess of our country, but saying, Jesus, you put me here for a time and a place. How can I help make a difference in this moment? Thank you for being who you are in that and joining us in saying, God, we’re going to be faithful to you. We are Capital Compassion, and it’s the spirit of Jesus that is coming out through us to those in need. 

In His love and grace,

Pastor Rick and Cathy 

Giving Name Change Update

Giving Name Change Update



I miss seeing you in our worship experience we so enjoyed over the years. Cathy and I continue to pray for you to flourish in your relationship with Jesus and in your influence in our community. You remain in our hearts and a blessing in our spiritual journey. 

I am hopeful you received your record of contributions to Capital Christian Center for the previous year, 2023. If you have any questions, please call (916) 856-5683 or email info@capitalonline.cc. We will do our best to serve you. 

Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the Lord and for your generous giving to make Him known in our city and around the world. You are the engine of Capital that empowered us to be known for generosity far and wide. 

Since our transition last September, we have been serving our community as Capital Compassion. In just the last four months of 2023, through our volunteers and ministry partners, we distributed approximately $275,000 worth of goods and services. 

We are continuing these efforts in 2024 as the vision continues to expand. Every month, new ministry partners join us in serving refugee communities, those with food insecurity, special needs job opportunities, and those who are homeless. 

We have had more than 200 volunteers serve in the various outreaches to our city. Many of our volunteers serve multiple days a week in our warehouse organizing the food distribution and household items that are being gifted to those in need. We have served approximately 1,500 households with needed groceries. The need is great, but the heart and compassion of our Capital Compassion volunteers is even greater. 

Through a partnership with a charter school in North Sacramento, our volunteers brought Christmas joy to 150 families who have been in the United States for less than six months after escaping the war in Ukraine. Through our partnership with World Vision, we provided microwaves, heaters, tea kettles, and other household items. In addition, we provided four bags of groceries to each family, including fresh produce for them to make meals they are accustomed to in Ukraine. Each child received an age-appropriate Christmas gift. Observing the joy on the faces of so many made this a day I will remember for the rest of my life. 

This month we are serving another charter school, Higher Learning, with groceries and home goods. This school is comprised of low-income families who are a joy for us to serve. 

We are also onboarding 10 new ministry partners as we continue to expand. In addition, we will have a Bible study that I will be teaching at the invitation of Friends of the Neighborhood in Oak Park called “Bridging the Divide.” You are more than welcome to join us on Thursday, February 22, at 6:30pm at 2863 35th Street in Sacramento. 

We extend an open invitation to volunteer with Capital Compassion whenever it might work in your schedule. You can learn about our events and opportunities at capitalonline.cc. 

Many of our Capital family have donated financially to our compassion efforts over the past few months. We are continuing our transition to Capital Compassion by incorporating as a separate 501c3. If you would like to be a partner through giving, it is vital that checks be written to Capital Compassion and mailed to P.O. Box 276267, Sacramento, CA 95827. Any check written to Capital Christian Center after February 15, will not be forwarded to Capital Compassion for our missional work. All checks made out to Capital Compassion will go directly to fund our compassion efforts in the city. Also, online giving through capitalonline.cc or through the SecureGive app have not changed. All online donations have been, and will continue to be, directed to our compassion efforts. Every dollar is multiplied many times over through the hundreds of hours of volunteer work, gifts in kind, and partnerships with World Vision and Convoy of Hope. 

We are seeking to live by the word of the Lord from Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Thank you for your heart to honor the Lord with us. 

In His love and grace,

Pastor Rick and Cathy 



December 2023 Update

December 2023 Update


Cathy and I are praying for God’s favor for you at this Christmas season. This has been a year of change and we are embracing this reality as an opportunity to grow in our relationship with Jesus and His mission in our world.

We are thankful for your love for us and the community we serve. Capital Compassion has become the identification of our ministry and you exemplify that spirit. We have had more than 200 volunteers serve in the various outreaches to our city over the past four months. Many of our volunteers serve multiple days a week in our warehouse organizing the food distribution and household items that are being gifted to those in need. Crystal Molnar and Laine Alves lead this effort from our office and have done a remarkable job building momentum in our outreach of compassion.

I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all who have prayed, served, donated, and encouraged our efforts to impact our city with the spirit of Jesus. You help make all this impact possible. As this year transitions into a new year, this may be a time you would like to share some of what God has blessed you with to bless someone in need. Capital Compassion can receive your donation online at capitalonline.cc, through the SecureGive app, or through checks made out to “Capital Christian Center” and mailed to P.O. Box 276267, Sacramento, CA 95827. Every dollar is multiplied many times over through the hundreds of hours of volunteer work, gifts in kind, and partnerships with World Vision and Convoy of Hope.

We have also added Amazon Wishlists for those who would like to purchase items directly. They ship to our warehouse and help us fill our Housed Food Bag, Unhoused Food Bag, and Outreach Bags

We turn into the new year with vision and passion to expand our partnerships as we pour compassion upon four key initiatives: food insecurity, refugee assistance, special needs job training, and homeless outreach. It is all done in the name of Jesus and for the sake of building His eternal Kingdom.

Food Insecurity

At our Warehouse location we serve individuals and families every day with groceries and supplies. Our Compassion team engages with those who walk through the doors and gives out about 150 bags of groceries to those in need every month. Check out our Amazon Grocery wishlist to see what we are able to share. 

Refugee Assistance

This month we helped families escaping the war in Ukraine. We were able to supply Christmas gifts to refugees who have been in the US for six months or less. Through our partnership with World Vision, we provided microwaves, heaters, tea kettles and more to bring joy to these families. 150 gifts were distributed. 

Special Needs Job Training

Our Compassion team is expanding our reach with our special needs job training program. We launched this month at the warehouse with Mark Vismara and his aid. They packed grocery bags and hygiene kits  at our warehouse location. As we build, we will add more individuals to the roster. 

Homeless Outreach

Our Compassion team served three refugee families from Afghanistan with sewing machines to augment their income. We provided their children with stuffed animals that were age appropriate as well as diapers as needed.

We are seeking to live by the word of the Lord from Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Walking with you into this new year with great anticipation.

With love and grace,

Pastor Rick and Cathy


We have onboarded a new partner last month and they have seen a huge success in their church outreach with the goods provided. They also were gifted with Christmas decorations to help create a warm environment this season. Here is a report from their team:

“Our team hosted a family craft event. We gave away a rice cooker and other goods at the event. We donated the box of toys to our children’s ministry to distribute. Everyone was so amazed at all the stuff you can fit in one box. Great quality too. So far we have helped a man and his elderly mother with two heaters (they have a broken furnace.) They hygiene and beauty box was shared with their church members. Towels went to a woman on the Nextdoor community app who asked for help. The automotive box was given to homeless located in Old Florin. Extra blankets were given to shut-in’s and seniors without families along with a hot meal. God is giving hope to the hopeless through all of us. It’s beautiful. Thank you for these blessing to our community! Merry Christmas from all of us!”


NEW LIFE USA – is a non-profit corporation that carries out a free of charge substance abuse recovery program in Reno, NV. They were extremely excited about the exercise equipment from a recent shipment. Even though some of the pieces were not working, they utilized their clients to fix the broken equipment. It was a great way for them to use their hands to build something positive. They took the equipment and made a gym facility for patients to use while in recovery. Being able to bless an organization that is doing good for their neighbors and seeing the impact it makes on those attending their program is an incredible start to this new partnership/POD (Point of Distribution).

November 2023 Update

November 2023 Update


It is my pleasure to update you on behalf of Capital Outreach and share the remarkable work we have been doing through our Compassion initiatives. The first update involves our name. We were inspired to replace the name “Outreach” with the name “Compassion.” So, we will now go forward as Capital Compassion.

For decades, Capital has been dedicated to promoting compassion, empathy, and unconditional love. Our initiatives reveal our commitment to fostering a more compassionate world. We are making significant strides in addressing the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community.

In just two months, our Capital Compassion has achieved the following milestones:

Providing Essential Supplies

Through our partnership with World Vision, we connected with 26 churches and non-profit organizations to distribute more than $180,000 worth of household goods to families who were struggling to make ends meet.

Food Insecurity

At our Warehouse location we serve individuals and families every day with groceries and supplies. Our Compassion team of volunteers provided 300 bags of groceries, a fresh lunch, and a bag of winter clothing to encampments on the streets of our city.

Community Events

Our Compassion volunteers served a Rosemont community event to set up tables, canopies, and inflatable bounce houses. We then served the various vendors with support and provided our own station where we gave away several pallets of diapers, body armor drinks, and dog treats to the residents of the community. We also served a midtown event called “Hops and Hounds,” to set-up their event for a day of connecting with the residents.

Community Building

Our Compassion team served three refugee families from Afghanistan with sewing machines to augment their income. We provided their children with stuffed animals that were age appropriate as well as diapers as needed.

We firmly believe that compassion has the power to transform lives and strengthen our community. To sustain and expand our Compassion program, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you. Your support has already made a significant difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Thank you for standing with us to change our world.

I would like to invite you to a special gathering to connect with our Capital Compassion family and learn more about opportunities that are unfolding.


One of our church partners, Pastor Donny Burleson, has made his church available for us to meet on Thursday, November 16. The location is Freedom Church. Address: 7736 Sunset Ave., Fair Oaks, CA 

From 6-6:45pm we will share Thanksgiving desserts and renew friendships. Feel free to bring your favorite Thanksgiving dessert to share. From 6:45-7:30pm we will gather for inspiration and vision regarding opportunities ahead. Cathy and I would love to connect with you for this special evening.


On Saturday, November 18, we will provide a turkey and dinner provisions for 150 families to celebrate a joyful Thanksgiving. Families can pick up these provisions at our Warehouse location right off of Mather Blvd exit/Hwy 50 from 10am-12pm that day. This will be a drive thru in the culdesac at: 10151 Croydon Way, Sacramento, 95827

At the same time, our Capital Compassion volunteers will be taking another 150 bags of groceries to select homeless encampments. It will be a significant day of sharing the love of Jesus.

Our community partnerships continue to expand. We kindly request your continued support by making a donation to our Compassion Outreach ministry. Your contribution will go directly towards providing essential resources, and lifechanging hope to those who need it most. No amount is too small, and every donation is greatly appreciated.

To make a donation, click here or use the Secure Give app from your smart phone. Checks can be received at Capital Compassion, PO Box 276267, Sacramento, CA 95827-6267. Your gift is tax-deductible, and we will provide a receipt for your records.

We are deeply grateful for your past support and pray that you will continue to stand with us in our mission to spread compassion and bring the love of Jesus to our community.

Looking forward to all that is ahead,

Pastor Rick and Cathy

Prayer & Worship – Aug 2

Prayer & Worship – Aug 2


Prayer Emphasis: Transitions

We gather the First Wednesday of every month for a special prayer and worship focus. Gather on Wednesday, August 2, thanking God for His faithfulness and asking for wisdom and guidance for the transition ahead at 7pm in the Chapel. We can go into prayer with an open heart, the faith for miracles to happen, and trust that our God will do the work. If you’re seeking breakthrough and healing, this night is for you!  Kids & Youth activities are available and check in begins at 6:30pm. 
Middle School Overnight

Middle School Overnight


Survive the Night is an event hosted by Capital Youth Middle School for grades 678. Join us August 4-5 for crazy fun, games, friends, food, and so much more! Included: snacks throughout the event, friendly competition, a quiet room to sleep if choosing, and a Survivor Champion team!