Rick Cole

Founder/Executive Director

Do what is right, not what is easy. If anybody has taken this message to heart, it’s Rick Cole. Over his 25 years as Senior Pastor at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, Rev. Rick Cole has been an active ally for social justice, taking a hands-on approach to issues of racial reconciliation and homelessness in his community as well as serving countries all around the world by leading teams through global missions work. Cole retired as the Senior Pastor at Capital Christian Center in September of 2023 to expand the Capital Christian Outreach ministry in the city of Sacramento. He is the author of Incarnate: Jesus Among the Broken. Rev. Rick Cole lives in California with his wife Cathy. They have three children and five beautiful grandchildren.

Laine Alves

Laine Alves

Director of Outreach and Community Collaboration

Crystal Molnar

Crystal Molnar

Director of Operations

Lisa Berry

Lisa Berry

Director of Development + Human Resources

contact number

Office: 916-856-5683


10151 Croydon Way Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95827

Office Hours

TUESDAY – Thursday, 9am – 3pm
(closed 12-1pm)