Rick Cole
Senior Pastor
Do what is right, not what is easy. If anybody has taken this message to heart, it’s Rick Cole. Over his 25 years as Senior Pastor at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, Rev. Rick Cole has been an active ally for social justice, taking a hands-on approach to issues of racial reconciliation and homelessness in his community as well as serving countries all around the world by leading teams through global missions work. Cole pastors a congregation of over 3,000 members and leads a staff of 13 pastors in addition to 180 church and school employees. He is the author of Incarnate: Jesus Among the Broken. Rev. Rick Cole lives in California with his wife Cathy. They have three children and five beautiful grandchildren.
Laine Alves
Sunday Experience, Communications
Samuel Gordon
MLK Celebration, Culture & Diversity
Julian Casillas
Capital Kids
Catina Harris
Women's Ministry
Armen Divanyan
Outreach, Missions
James Logan
Middle School Youth
Trent Ellerman
High School Youth
Current Board Members
Tony Albanese | Brenda Bansuelo
Paul deBechevet | Stephen Grilley
Abraham Odufuwa | Jane Paul
Jud Riggs | Matt Thomas
Robert Silvey: Board Secretary
Capital Christian School
(916) 856-5600 // capitalchristian.school
Julie Filer – Superintendent, julie.filer@capitalchristian.school
Chris Orr – High School Principal, chris.orr@capitalchristian.school
Allie Carico – K-8 Principal, allie.carico@capitalchristian.school
Lisa Lytle – Early Education Principal, lisa.lytle@capitalchristian.school