Calendar Categories Adults CCS Celebrate Recovery Featured Events Kids Men Middle School Students Missions Music & Creative Arts Sunday Mornings Wednesday Evenings Women Tags 12-steps 6:13 prayer 678 adults baby dedication baptism bible study blaze blaze summer camp camp capital capital choir capital christian center Capital Christian School capital kids capital men Capital MOMS capital women capital worship Car Smash carnival CCS celebrate recovery champions Character Combine childcare children choir christmas christmas at capital Christmas to the Streets church college communion community connect group connect groups connection convoy of hope coronavirus difference maker award disabled discerning the voice of god district council divorce donate items donations doug reid dr. leaf Dr. Mouw drama drama auditions dream dream team dress up drive thru drug recovery easter baptism easter candy Easter concert Easter egg hunt Easter event Easter Performance easter sunday easter weekend ecumenical egg hunt election election year elementary elementary school embassy suites enroll epic life eric knopf evening of dreams event events everyone expo fair faith dare fall 2020 fall retreat family fun fair fast fast + pray fast and pray fasting father fearless february feel the love fellowship festival finance finance class finances Fisher House folsom Folsom High School food food truck francis chan free free groceries freeway fifty fresh start friday nights frozen Fuller Theological Seminary fun fundraiser galilee garage sale girls give him praise glass slipper glow go go deeper going public gold rush country good friday gratitude Gretchen Reid grief grieving grocery drive thru grocery giveaway group life groups growth growthtrack guest guest info habits half marathon halloween hangups happy thanksgiving harvest harvest festival heidi matzke help Hillsong Hillsong Young & Free hire history holiday holiday schedule holidays homecoming homeless homeless outreach honor human trafficking hungry ice age inner city israel israel 2020 Jacoby Jacoby Shaddix jason harper jen patin Jeremy Johnson jeremy patin jerusalem jesus jimi cravity joanne cole job jobs jody vaughn johnny cash join a team jordan river july 2021 june prayer Katinas kelly sapp ken mansfield Kenny West kid kid choir kid parade kids kids camp kids choir kids chorale kids concert kids summer camp ladies launch launchpad leaders lglp life talks Lifetime Achievement Award local local 678 local youth Local678 love love God love people lunch luncheon marathon marathon training mariposa house marriage marriage course marriage retreat Martin Luther King member membership men's bible study men's small group mentor mentor mom message michael Jr. middle school midweek military mini mix mission missions missy vaughn mlk MLK Celebration MLK Celebration Choir mom momentum moms money mops mother mother daughter brunch mother's day Mother/Daughter Brunch mothers of preschoolers mourning movie movie night movie on lawn music music and creative arts music auditions musical my city nazareth network new new believer new to capital new year new year's eve service next step noon nursery oak ridge october 2020 office closed Onaje Jefferson one one capital one day to feed the world one singles ministry open forum orchestra outreach oxygen oxygen student ministries oxygen youth camp oxygen youth group pad parade parents parking lot party pastor's birthday patsy cline Paul Thompson performance planetshakers politics praise and worship band pray prayer prayer focus prayer week preschool president presidential election priscilla shirer production prom propel proverbs pumpkin q&a randy cole recital recovery red white and blue red white blue rehearsal relationships relay remix remodel resume resurrected retreat rick's birthday rise and shine rob sapp rolling hills rooted rooted groups rosemont royal rangers Royal Tailor run run expo run for a reason run for courage run with rev running ryan bunbury sacramento sacramento children Sacramento church sacramento kids sacramento state sale saturday service saying no school SCT sct 2013 sct auditions sct vip senior senior adult senior adult breakfast senior adult lunch senior women sermon sermons serve service sex trafficking Shaddix sierra college simply worship singing singing christmas tree single women singles sister sisterhood sisters sisters night small group small groups Smash smash bash solo solo connection special needs splat week sports spring 2020 staff stepfour stepone structure student students summer summer camp summer funner summer go summer school summer study sun stand still sunday for middle school sundays superbowl support group swap tahoe teaching testimony thanks thanksgiving thanksgiving service the beatles the city harmonic the mix the rising the singing christmas tree the study theater arts threshold thursday thursday nights tickets time time mangement track training truth tryouts undaunted undone Union Gospel Mission vacation bible school vaccine values vaughn vbs veterans veterans group vip night vip performance vision visitor vocal auditions vocals voice of god volunteer volunteers walk walnut creek water water baptism water wars wedensday wednesday wednesday bible study Wednesday Evenings wednesday night wednesday prayer wednesdays Wes Dunn winter sanctuary women women ministry women's bible study women's fall retreat women's ministry women's retreat women's small group women's small groups womens womens group womens groups wonder world world missions worship worship event worship focus worship night worship testimony wounded warriors wow young marrieds youth youth band youth camp Month Agenda Day Month Week 2024 Jan February 2025 Mar 2026 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2024 Jan February 2025 Mar 2026 Subscribe Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to 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