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Prayer Request

This prayer has been answered!

Robert Cox

I have 2 serious heath issues I would like prayer for.

1. Heart problems. I have had a total of 16 heart attacts over the years, resulting a open heart surgery of 7 bypass's. 10 additional surguries resulting in a total of 17 stints placed inside my body. The most recent attacts were the start of August, having 2 massive attacks over a period of 2 days, cuasing me to be hospitalized for 3 days.

2. I also have a debilitaing problem of swelling of my legs; intense pain when I try to walk, causing me to have no equalibriam and the possiblity of falling if I do not have something to hold onto for balance. The Dr's have been unable to identify the cause so to heal me. I wish to get my ability to walk properly once again so I may return to serve the church and help others in need. I have served as pastor on call and helped the homeless in the past, and I wish to return to serving the church and community and God once again.

Thank you for your prayers and love. GOD BLESS YOU

Received: August 28, 2022